SB 2097 - BURIAL/MEMORIAL - Adds child to Interment at State Veterans’ Cemetery Eligibility - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE

Interment at Veterans’ Cemetery Eligibility

  • Add: "a child who is without any sibling and who survives the veteran" to eligibility for internment at ND State Veterans Cemetary
  • Fiscal note: $350,000. Federal VA Cemetery Grants

SB 2210 - BURIAL/MEMORIAL - Book of ND Veterans since 1889. Include KIA & MIA. Adjutant General - 2013

Book of ND Veterans

  • The Adjutant General shall initiate and coordinate the writing, publishing, and distribution of a record of all North Dakota Veterans, including a record of all North Dakotans killed in action and missing in action since statehood. The Adjutant General shall determine the projected costs for the completion of the writing, publishing, and distribution of the records and present those projections to the legislative management.
  • Appropriations: $0
  • Fiscal note: $0

SB 2238 - BURIAL/MEMORIAL - Indigent Veterans' choice of Military Caskets and Urns - 2015

Appropriations - Veterans' Military Caskets and Urns

A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation to the adjutant general for veterans' military caskets and urns.

  • Provide military casket at no cost to veterans interred in ND 
  • Fiscal note of $2,800,000

Senate amendments:

  • Moved to ND DVA
  • removed funding of $2,800,00
  • Moved to County Social services

House amendments:

  • Changed from shall to may: allowed family to choose

Senate concurred to house amendments

SB 2242 - BURIAL/MEMORIAL - Burial Allowance for Spouse of Veteran at State Veterans' Cemetery - 2015 - FAILED HOUSE

Veterans' Cemetery Burial Fees for Dependents of Veterans

A BILL for an Act to provide for an appropriation for veterans' spouses and dependents burial fees at the veterans' cemetery.

  • Pay for interring veterans eligible spouse and dependents at ND veterans Cemetery
  • Fiscal note: $160,000

House Actions:

  • Passed House GVA 14-0
  • House appropriations recommended Do NOT Pass 19-2-2
  • Failed House

HB 1414 - APPRECIATION - Military GOLD STAR Plates Created. $15 Initial Fee $10 annual to Veterans Cemetery Funds - 2009

Military Surviving Family Member Special Plates

A BILL for an Act to create and enact section 39-04-10.14 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the issuance of special plates for surviving family members of fallen members of the United States military.