SB 2073 - EMPLOYMENT - Veteran Trainees and Certain Reports to Bureau Repeal - 1997

A BILL for an Act to repeal sections 65-04-04.1, 65-04-08, and 65-04-09 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the determination of the average weekly wage for premium for veteran-on-the-job trainees, county auditor reports to the workers compensation bureau, and reporting public contracts to the workers compensation bureau. 

HCR 3041 - EMPLOYMENT - Federal Facility Improvements Urged for Lewis & Clark - 2003

A concurrent resolution urging the President of the United States, Secretary of the Army, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers to improve, rehabilitate, and repair visitor facilities, event sites, and other areas within their jurisdiction in North Dakota expected to experience significant increases in visitation as a result of the bicentennial commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. 

HB 1063 - EMPLOYMENT - Oasis Administration, Benefits, and Appropriations - 2003

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 52-09 and a new section to chapter 52-10 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to administration of the old-age and survivor insurance system and authority of the executive director of job service North Dakota; to amend and reenact section 52-09-03, subsection 4 of section 52-09-07, and subsections 6 and 9of section 52-09-20 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to administration of the old-age and survivor insurance system, primary insurance benefits under the old-age and survivor insurance system, authority of the ex

SB 2198 - EMPLOYMENT - State employee leave to care for child, spouse or parent who is a Veteran or Service member. - 2023

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 54-52.4-02, 54-52.4-04, and 54-52.4-05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to ND state and political subdivision employee family medical leave.

54-52.4-02. Family leave. 1. An employer shall grant an employee's request for a family leave of absence for any of the following reasons

f. To care for the employee's child, regardless of age, spouse, or parent who is a covered service member or veteran with a serious health condition.

HB 1080 - NATIONAL GUARD - Workforce Safety Insurance Coverage for NG Members while on State Active Duty - 2013

WSI Coverage for NG Members while on State Active Duty

  • Adds definition of wages for ND members while on state active duty to include income from federal employment and may be included in determining the average weekly wage.
  • Fiscal note: $0.