HB 1246 - EMPLOYMENT - Military Spouse Professional Licensure - 2013

Professional Licensure of Military Spouses

  • Provides provisional licenses to spouses of military stationed in ND or stationed in ND before a temporary assignment to duties outside of ND
  • Boards to adopt rules and provide temporary licensure on case-by-case basis
  • State board of architecture and landscape architecture is exempt from this mandate
  • Fiscal note: $0

SB 2062 - NATIONAL GUARD - Adds Involuntarily Activated NDNG to Emergency Responder Employment Protection Laws - 2013

NDNG State Active Duty

  • Protects National Guard members from employer discrimination when involuntarily activated for State Active Duty emergencies for more than twenty regular working days in a calendar year. Under NDCC 37-29-03
  • Fiscal note: $0

SB 2201 - EMPLOYMENT - Veterans Preference. Expands Exemptions to "Administrators" of schools - 2013 - FAILED in Conference Committee

Veterans Preference

  • Adds "administrator" to list of exemptions from Veterans Preference laws
  • Add definition of administrator which adds: assistant or associate school district superintendent, school principal, special education director, director of a multidistrict special education unit, career and technical education director, director of area career and technology center, athletic or activity director.
  • Fiscal note: $0

HB 1131 - EMPLOYMENT.VETERANS PREFERENCE - Remove certain exempt education positions - 2015

Veterans Employment Preference

Bill Origination: Representative Schatz, Mike

Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 37-19.1-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the employment preference for veterans.

SB 2388 - FINANCIAL - Tax Credits to Employers for Salary and Benefits Paid While Employee Mobilized - 2009

Relating to Tax Credits and Benefits Paid by Employers

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 57-38 and a new subdivision to subsection 7 of section 57-38-30.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to an income tax credit for an employer maintaining payment of salary and related retirement plan contributions for an employee called to active military duty as a member of a reserve or national guard component; and to provide an effective date.

HB 1069 - EMPLOYMENT - Purchase of Service Credit for Qualified Military Service - 2005

Purchase of Service Credit for Qualified Military Service

A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 39-03.1, a new section to chapter 54-52, a new section to chapter 54-52.1, a new subsection to section 54-52.6-02, and a new section to chapter 54-52.6 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to military service retirement credit and temporary employee participation in the defined contribution retirement plan under the public employees retirement system and the acceptance and expenditure of funds by the retirement board for the uniform group insurance program

HB 1090 - EMPLOYMENT.VETERANS PREFERENCE -Allows for electronic notification for non-hire - 2017

Veterans Preference

A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 1-03-01, subsection 1 of section 37-19.1-04, subsection 6 of section 44-04-18.4, subsection 8 of section 54-06-25, sections 54-06-26 and 54-44.3-01.2, subsection 2 of section 54-44.3-03, and sections 54-44.3-05 and 54-44.4-02.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to holidays, bids and proposals received by public entities, notification of nonapplicability of veteran's preference, electronic ballot submission, long distance tolls, salary compensation comparison records, state personnel board vacancy fi