North Dakota Legislature
2023 Veteran Legislation Summary | Updated May 4, 2023
Appropriations - North Dakota Veterans Home: Governor Dalrymple's Bill
Pre-approved by ND Veterans Home Director and ACOVA.
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the ND Veterans Home. Governors budget rate at 90% of 2015-2017 base budget.
This bill is to be combined with SB2007 and defeated by end of session. SB2007 will be final ND Veterans Home budget.
Refer to SB2007
- Governor Dalrymple
- Senate Appropriations Hearing
- Failed to Pass 0-45
- Budget
- Failed Bill
- Financial
Appropriations - ND Department of Veterans Affairs (NDDVA) Budget: Governor Dalrymple's Bill
Pre-approved by Commissioner and ACOVA.
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of veterans' affairs. Governors budget rate at 90% of 2015-2017 base budget.
This bill is to be combined with SB2025 and defeated by end of session. SB2025 will be final NDDVA budget.
Refer to SB2025
- Governor Dalrymple
- Senate Appropriations Hearing
- Failed to Pass 0-45
- Budget
- Failed Bill
- Financial
Gaming funds to be used for Veterans organizations
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 53-06.1-11.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to eligible uses of net proceeds by licensed gaming organizations.
Bill allows veteran organization gaming to...
- Utilized gaming funds for direct benefit of the organizations
- Utilize gaming funds for erection, acquisition, improvement, maintenance, or repair of real or personal property owned or leased by an organization
- Declared an emergency
- Committee recommends DO PASS 5-0-1 SJ 156
- PASSED SENATE 44-0 Emergency Clause Carried SJ163
SIGNED BY GOVERNOR: 3/22/2017 SJ 872
- Introduced referred to GVA
- Committee Hearing
- Passed Senate 44-0
- Committee Hearing
- Signed by Speaker and President
- Signed by Governor
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
Funeral Honor Coins for Veterans
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 37-18 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the conferment of a veterans commemorative memorial coin; and to provide an appropriation to the department of veterans' affairs.
- Provide $8,500 of general funds for design and purchase of a Veterans Commemorative memorial coin
- Require private matching funds up to $25,500 for purchasing of coins
- Provide that up to $4,000 of the $8,500 in general funds be used to design the coin
- Added retroactive: regardless of date of veterans death
- Family member may purchase coins
- Require funding for at least four thousand coins
- Committee recommends DO PASS 5-0-1 SJ 231
- Amendment adopted referred to Senate Appropriations
- Committee recommends DO PASS 13-0-1 SJ 361
- Changed from creating one section to two sections of NDCC 37-18
- Changed from "Deceased Veteran" to "Deceased North Dakota Veteran"
- Removed the $8,500 appropriation and the appropriations section
- Added new section creating a "Commemorative memorial coin fund"
- Moneys appropriated to this fund to be used by NDDVA for the coins
- Allows gifts, grants, and donations to be received by NDDVA for this fund
- Allows NDDVA to use these donated funds on a continuing basis
- Committee recommends DO PASS 13-0-1 HJ 933
- Referred back to Committee for further amendments HJ 1001
- Removed all references to provide appropriation
- Removed the new section creating a "Commemorative memorial coin fund"
- Replaced with a new line to section 4 allowing NDDVA to accept and expend gifts, grants or donations for these coins
- Committee recommends DO PASS 13-0-1 HJ 1032
- Senate Conference committee appointed: Bekkedahl, Vedaa, Marcellais SJ 1047
- House Conference committee appointed: Laning, Beadle, P. Anderson HJ 1387
- Conference Committee Scheduled Hearings
- Conference Committee amendments
- Added legislative intent section: Legislative intent is that ACOVA consider use of PWTF dollars to fund at least 4,000 coins.
- Amendments refused sent back to conference committee
- Conference Committee amendments
- Section 1 # 3 added subsection (b): Definition of a veteran added and was ND resident during any period of the individuals life
- PASSED SENATE 46-0 SJ 1444
- PASSED HOUSE 87-0 HJ 1695
- Introduced referred to GVA
- Committee Hearing
- Amendment Adopted
- Senate Appropriations Committee Hearing
- Passed 46-0
- Committee Hearing
- Amendment Adopted
- Passed House 93-0-1
- Conf. Committee Hearing
- Conf. Committee Hearing
- Conf. Committee Hearing
- Conf. Committee Hearing
- Burial & Memorial
- Law/Policy Change
Gaming Tax on Veteran Organizations. 50% percent to go to PWTF
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 53-06.1-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to gaming tax deposits and allocations.
This Bill would...
- Allow 50% of the gaming tax paid by Veteran Service Organizations Gaming be placed in the Post War Trust Fund (PWTF)
- The PWTF is a fund in which the payable interest earnings are utilized by the Administrative Committee On Veterans Affairs for services to ND Veterans and their eligible dependents.
FISCAL NOTE: $254,000
- Finance and Tax Committee recommended DO NOT PASS 5-1-0 SJ 300
- FAILED TO PASS 10-34 SJ 318
- Bill Video
- Introduced Referred to Finance and Tax Committee
- Committee Hearing
- Failed to Pass 10-34
- Failed Bill
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- Post War Trust Fund
A BILL for an Act to create and enact section 20.1-03-01.6 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to hunter education requirements for veterans; and to amend and reenact section 20.1-03-01.2 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to hunter education requirements for veterans.
This bill would...
- Allow an honorably discharged veteran to take a 4 hour online hunting course rather than the required course of ND citizens.
- Introduced
- Committee Hearing
- Failed to Pass 19-26
- Appreciation: Hunting and Fishing
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Law/Policy Change
Hunting license for ND Veterans Selected by Nonprofit outdoor recreation organization
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subsection to section 20.1-03-11 and section 20.1-04-07.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to deer and wild turkey hunting licenses for veterans receiving hunting expeditions from a nonprofit organization.
This bill would...
- Allow six deer licenses and permits for veterans to hunt with guns
- Selected by nonprofit organization
- Allow four spring wild turkey licenses and permits for veterans
- Selected by nonprofit organization
FISCAL NOTE: $480 (not general fund dollars)
Section 2 (Wild Turkeys) of this bill brought back as amendment to HB1025 by Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee SJ 896
- Introduced
- Committee Hearing
- Failed to Pass 6-39
- Appreciation: Hunting and Fishing
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Failed Bill
- Law/Policy Change
Appropriations - Veterans Home Budget
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the veterans' home; to provide an exemption; and to declare an emergency
- Governor
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Budget
- Financial
Appropriations - ND Department of Veterans Affairs Budget
Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA and NDVCC
A BILL for an Act to provide an appropriation for defraying the expenses of the department of veterans' affairs.
Requested budget changes:
- Increase Post War Trust Fund Principal by $1,750,000.Not Approved.
- Grant funding for Veteran Service Organizations for NSO's $300,000. Not Approved.
- Appoint State Approving Agency (SAA) to ND DVA. No state funding.-included in Governor's budget, House approved, Senate approved.Approved.
- Salary equity funding of $55,100-included in governors budget. -Removed by House, Added back by Senate,Removed in Conference committee. Not Approved.
- Add training position to NDDVA $135,575. Not Approved.
- Website upgrade: $60,935. Not Approved.
- Temporary employee funding of $59,488. Not Approved.
- Continued funding for PTSD dogs at $100,000. House denied, Senate added to budget at $50,000. Conference committee Approved.
- Continued funding for Agent Orange Outreach program at $50,000. Not Approved. Approved in HB 1372.
- increase stand down budget from $10,000 to $20,000 -included in governors budget.-House reduced to $15,000 added requirements, Senate increased to $20,000 removed requirements set by House.Approved at $20,000.
- Continued funding for transportation vans at $15,000-included in governors budget, House approved, Senate approved.Approved.
- Add marketing and advertising to budget at $20,000. Not Approved.
- Add PTSD and TBI treatment study at $108,352. Not Approved.
- Commissioner
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Budget
- Financial
North Dakota National Guard Operations
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact sections 37‑01‑43, 37‑04‑16, 37‑07.2‑01, subsection 6 of 37‑28‑02, and section 37‑28‑03 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the operation of the North Dakota national guard; and to declare an emergency.
- Adjutant General
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Budget
- Financial
- National Guard Specific
- Veterans Cemetery
Criminal History Record Checks
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subdivision to subsection 2 of section 12-60-24 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to criminal history record checks for the office of the adjutant general; and to declare an emergency.
- Adjutant General
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
Veterans In Court
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subsection to section 12.1-32-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to sentencing of current and former members of the military.
- Veterans found guilty of a crime court shall
- inquire into military service
- inquire into veteran having any behavior health condition
- Court may:
- Conduct presentence investigation and prepare report regarding treatment options with federal, state and local programs
- Consider treatment recommendations in imposing sentence
- Fiscal note: $0
House Amendments:
- Replaced "Is Convicted" with "has pled or is found guilty"
- Removed requirement of previously being diagnosed with a mental illness
- Added "there is reason to believe there is a behavioral health condition"
Passed House with amendments. 78,13,0
Senate Amendments:
- Changed bill to a study
Passed Senate with amendments: 46,0,0
House refused to concur
Conference Committee assigned: Representatives Paur, Maragos, Delmore and Senators Armstrong, Hogue, and Nelson.
- Changed wording of the study
Passed House: 88,4
Passed Senate: 46,0
- Adjutant General
- Passed house, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor.
- Legal Services
- Study
Residency for Tuition Purposes
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 15-10-19.1 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to resident students for tuition purposes; and to declare an emergency.
- This bill required to comply with new Federal GI Bill regulations
- Adds new subsection: A covered individual as defined by section 702 of Public Law No. 113-146 [128 stat. 1797; 38 U.S.C. 3679].
- Fiscal note: $0
- State Board of Higher Education
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Education
- Law/Policy Change
Veterans Employment Preference
Bill Origination: Representative Schatz, Mike
Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 37-19.1-02 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to the employment preference for veterans.
- Removes certain exemptions opening them to veterans preference
- Superintendent of Schools
- School teacher
- Higher Education
- Chancellor and Vice Chancellor
- Presidents or Executive deans
- Vice Presidents
- Assistants to the President
- Provosts
- Instructors
- Athletic Team coaches of board institutions
- Fiscal note: None
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Employment
- Employment: Veterans Preference
- Law/Policy Change
National Guard Member Reduced Hunting and Fishing License Fees
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsections 6 and 55 of section 20.1-03-12 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to reduced hunting and fishing license fees for resident current and retired national guard members.
- Reduced fishing and hunting license for current and retired guard members
- Fiscal note: $72,400
- Failed in House 30,62
- Appreciation: Hunting and Fishing
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
National Guard Free Vehicle Registration
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new subdivision to subsection 2 of section 39-04-18 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to motor vehicle registration fees for current and former national guard members.
- Allows free vehicle registration to ND resident who is a current or retired member of the National Guard.
- Fiscal note: $172,072
- Failed in House 33, 57
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Failed Bill
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
Tuition Reduction for Dependents of Disabled Veterans
Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact subsection 1 of section 15‑10‑18.2 and section 15‑10‑18.3 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to tuition reduction for dependents of disabled veterans based on disability ratings.
- Dependents of veterans with a VA disability rating of 50-90% to receive tuition reduction equal to veterans disability rating
- Fiscal note: $2,327,000
House Appropriations Amendment:
- Removed 50% and replaced with 75%
- Failed House
Content of bill amended and added to SB 2346 by House GVA
- Amendment replaced 75% with 90%
- Fiscal Note: $325,000
SB 2346 received "Do NOT Pass" from house Appropriations
Failed to pass
- Failed House 47-46
- Education
- Failed Bill
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
Honoring Certain National Guard and Reserve Members as Veterans
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 37-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to honoring certain members of the national guard, the armed forces reserve of the United States, and the active duty forces of the United States as veterans.
- Honorably discharged National Guard members who otherwise do not qualify as veterans will be honored as a Veteran
- Will not be entitled to any veterans benefits
- Fiscal note: None
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
Renter Credit for Disabled Veteran
A BILL for an Act to amend and reenact section 57-02-08.8 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to a renter credit for a disabled veteran who would qualify for the property tax credit for disabled veterans except for the fact that the disabled veteran rents living quarters; and to provide an effective date.
- Veterans with disability rating of 50% or more who are eligible for property tax credit but rent would receive a renters credit
- Fiscal note: $2,020,000
- Failed House 34-56
- Failed Bill
- Financial
- Financial: Property Tax
- Law/Policy Change
Create Patriotic Number License Plates, DAV Plate Changes
Pre-approved by Commissioner, ACOVA, and NDVCC
A BILL for an Act to create and enact a new section to chapter 39‑04 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to patriotic number plates; and to amend and reenact subdivision j of subsection 2 of section 39‑04‑18 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to disabled veteran motor vehicle registration.
- Create three (3) patriotic license plates available to general public
- American Flag
- Bald Eagle
- Boony Stomper
- Additional plates as approved by NDDVA
- Funds from plates would go to Veterans Post War Trust Fund (PWTF) Principal
- DAV Plates
- Allow surviving spouse to retain one set of plates
- Allow eligible veteran the option of other veteran plates and retain registration exemption
- Fiscal Note: $488,532
House Amendments and Actions:
- Changed initial fee from $20 to $25
- Changed amount to Highway tax fund from $10 to $20
- Changed amount to PWTF from $10 to $5
- Removed requirement to report funds collected to legislative assemblies
- Removed additional plates as approved by NDDVA
- Removed veterans choice of plates from the DAV plate and replaced with a standard plate
- Added surviving spouse to retain one plate
Senate Transportation Amendments:
- Changed wording of the Logos to be used
- Changed effective date from January 1, 2016 to July 1, 2016
Senate Appropriations Amendments:
- Changed entire bill to requirements of "Organizational plates requiring...
- 50 pre-paid applicants for each plate
- $1,500 fee for each plate
House refused to concur: Conference committee assigned: Representatives Meier, Ruby, Delmore and Senators Rust, Oehlke, and Axness
Conference Committee Amendments:
- Senate receded from it's amendments
- Initial fee to be $25 with $20 going to Highway tax distribution fund and $5 to the PWTF
- Annual fee of $25 with $10 going to the Highway tax distribution fund and $15 to the PWTF
- 100% disabled veteran can chose DAV plate or Standard Plate
- 100% dasabled veterans un-remarried surviving spouse to retain one plate
- Boonie Stomper plate to be issued August 1, 2016
- Flag and Bald Eagle plates to be issued July 1, 2017
- Passed House, Passed Senate. Signed by Governor
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- Post War Trust Fund