North Dakota Legislature
2023 Veteran Legislation Summary | Updated May 4, 2023
HB 1057 - NATIONAL GUARD - Provides Adjutant General Coin, Disaster Response Coin & ND Flag for retirement - 2013
NDNG-Allows Adjutant General to Provide
- Adds "Adjutant General Coin" to NDCC 37-01
- Adds "Disaster Response Coin" to NDCC 37-01
- Adds a North Dakota state flag may be presented upon retirement to NDNG members with 20 or more years of military service
- Fiscal note: $20,000. No General funds appropriated
- Adjutant General
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Budget
- Financial
- National Guard Specific
HB 1080 - NATIONAL GUARD - Workforce Safety Insurance Coverage for NG Members while on State Active Duty - 2013
WSI Coverage for NG Members while on State Active Duty
- Adds definition of wages for ND members while on state active duty to include income from federal employment and may be included in determining the average weekly wage.
- Fiscal note: $0.
- Industry, Business and Labor
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Budget
- Employment
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
HB 1109 - NATIONAL GUARD - Visitation Proceedings Involving Activated Military Parent - 2013 - FAILED SENATE
Visitation Proceedings Involving Military Parent
- Courts to take particular care to ensure child of military member called to active duty or may be called to active duty has maximum opportunity for contact with parent
- Military members call to active duty service may not be a factor in court decisions to grant to deny a petition for visitation
- Military member may petition for visitation rights for family member
- Fiscal note: $0
- Adjutant General
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Failed Bill
- Health & Wellbeing
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
HB 1114 - NATIONAL GUARD - Guardian Powers Parent Deployed - 2013 - FAILED SENATE
Guardian Powers Parent Deployed
- Allow parent or guardian of a minor child or incapacitated person authority to delegate guardianship to another person for up to 24 months
- Declared an emergency
- Fiscal note: $0
- Adjutant General
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Failed Bill
- Health & Wellbeing
- National Guard Specific
HB 1120 - NATIONAL GUARD - Mandatory Evacuations - 2013
Mandatory Evacuations
- Adds "Mandatory evacuation order to NDCC 37-17.1-10". Reads: "A local disaster, emergency or mandatory evacuation order may be declared" ...
- Allows local executive officers of city or county to order mandatory evacuations
- Adjutant General
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Law/Policy Change
- National Guard Specific
HB 1151 - APPRECIATION - Hunting License for Military Stationed in ND use ND Resident Lottery - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE
Hunting License as ND Resident
- Allowed members of US armed forces, and members of their household, stationed in ND to enter lottery for deer and turkey licenses as residents
- Declared an emergency bill
- Fiscal note: $51,600. Not General fund dollars.
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Appreciation: Hunting and Fishing
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1161 - APPRECIATION. Hunting License. ND Resident stationed outside ND-No Lottery Required -2013
Hunting License as ND Resident-No Lottery Required
- Adds "Military member in state on duty or leave"
- Adds "ND Driver's License number or ND non-driver photo ID" as proof of residency
- Allows resident hunting licensing without lottery for active duty military members on leave or stationed in ND and residents of ND serving on active duty
- Effective date April 1, 2014
- Fiscal note: $32,000. Not General fund dollars.
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Appreciation: Hunting and Fishing
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1205 - APPRECIATION - Veteran/Spouse License Plates fees waived for DAV, POW & Gold Star. POW surviving spouse retain 1 plate - 2013
Veteran/Spouse License Plates
Origination: Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVCC
- Gold Star plates-removes initial ($15) and annual ($10) fee for plates
- POW Plates-no additional or annual fee for plates
- Allows two plates
- Allows spouse to retain one plate after veterans' death
- 100% disabled (DAV plate)-no additional or annual ($5) fee for plates
- Four patriotic license plates added. (from failed HB 1323)
- Funds to go to PWTF.
- Removed and included with DOT budget when new ND license plates are issued.
- Not found in DOT budget-2015 new bill introduced (HB1360)
- Removed and included with DOT budget when new ND license plates are issued.
- Funds to go to PWTF.
- Fiscal note: $12,500. No appropriations.
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1219 - EDUCATION - Adds Tuition Waiver for Surviving Dependents if veteran was 100% disabled at time of death - 2013
Free Tuition for Surviving Dependents
- Allows eligible dependents to use free tuition benefit if 100% disabled veteran dies before dependent enrolls in school
- Fiscal note: $0
- NDCC 15-10-18.3
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Education
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1246 - EMPLOYMENT - Military Spouse Professional Licensure - 2013
Professional Licensure of Military Spouses
- Provides provisional licenses to spouses of military stationed in ND or stationed in ND before a temporary assignment to duties outside of ND
- Boards to adopt rules and provide temporary licensure on case-by-case basis
- State board of architecture and landscape architecture is exempt from this mandate
- Fiscal note: $0
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Employment
- Law/Policy Change
- Military Families Top Ten Key Issues
HB 1254 - FINANCIAL.INCOME TAX - Military retirement pay exempt from ND Income Tax - 2013 - ** FAILED **
Income Tax Deduction for Military Retirement Pay
- Exempt Federally taxed income from military retirement pay from ND income tax
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Financial
- Financial: Income Tax
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1272 - EDUCATION - Resident Tuition for NDNG, Veteran ( with GI BIll), Spouses and Dependents - 2013
Resident Tuition for Spouses and Dependents
- Adds Spouse and Dependents of Veterans to allow resident tuition rates if veteran is eligible to transfer Post 9-11 GI Bill benefits
- Separates Spouse and Dependents of Veterans into two sections
- Adds "Reserve component" members, spouses and dependents as eligible
- Fiscal Note: $15,000
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Education
- Law/Policy Change
- Military Families Top Ten Key Issues
HB 1273 - FINANCIAL.PROPERTY TAX - Allow Disabled veteran to Freeze Value of residence - 2013 - **FAILED**
Property Tax Relief. Freeze Value of Home
- Allows Veterans eligible for disabled Veteran tax credit to freeze value of primary residence
- Fiscal note: $478,000
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Failed Bill
- Financial
- Financial: Income Tax
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1289 - EDUCATION - State funds for unfunded Veterans Upward Bound Program now VET - 2013
Veterans Upward Bound
- $325,000 appropriated for Veterans Upward Bound program
- Provides classroom instruction which prepares veterans for college
- Provide assistance to eligible veterans enrolled at or in process of enrolling at institute of higher education in ND or adjacent state institution participating in course exchange agreement with ND institution
- ND Department of veterans affairs may accept and expend gifts, grants, and donations for providing additional assistance to eligible veterans
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Education
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1293 - EDUCATION - Military Children Compact - 2013
Military Children Compact
- Extends law allowing state of ND to join in pact with other states to allow children of military members transferred into or out of ND to maintain their grade (year in school) level
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Education
- Law/Policy Change
- Military Families Top Ten Key Issues
HB 1306 - FINANCIAL.PROPERTY TAX - Raise Disabled veteran credit from $120,000 to $150,000 - 2013
Homestead Tax Credit
- Increases property tax exemption limit for disabled veterans from $120,000 full and True ($5,400 taxable value) to $150,000 ($6,750 taxable value)
- Effective date of 12-31-2012. And 12-31-2013 for mobile homes.
- Fiscal note: $477,000. State general funds reimbursement
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Financial
- Financial: Property Tax
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1308 - FINANCIAL - Melvin Norgard Memorial Fund used strictly for Veterans Home recommend to ACOVA - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE
Melvin Norgard Memorial Fund
- Allow veterans home administrator to expend funds up to $10,000. Over $10,000 must be approved by governing board.
- Requires governing board gain ACOVA approval for expenditures
- Expenditures made solely for projects and programs to benefit and serve the residents of the veterans home.
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- Veterans Home
HB 1310 - LAW/POLICY - Allows County Veteran Service Officer to serve as Conservator/Fiduciary if appointed by County Commission - 2013
CVSO as Conservator
Origination: Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVCC
- Removes from NDCC 37-14-18 exemption for CVSOs to serve as conservator/fiduciary if appointed by County Commission
- Fiscal note: $0.
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Health & Wellbeing
- Law/Policy Change
HB 1323 - PWTF - Create Patriotic License Plate Decals - 2013 - FAILED HOUSE
Patriotic License Plate Decals
Origination: Commissioner, ACOVA, NDVCC
- Create "Patriotic License Plates" (Decals like military plates)
- Four Patriotic license plates to be added with new ND license plate issue - proceeds go to Veterans PWTF
- $15 initial fee and $10 annual fee
- $10 initial to DOT, $5 initial to PWTF
- $10 annual fee $5 to principal of PWTF $5 available for programs
Status Updates:
- Failed
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Failed Bill
- Financial
- Law/Policy Change
- Post War Trust Fund
HB 1354 - APPRECIATION - Hunting. Amend Deer License from 4 to 6 from Wounded Warrior Project to Injured Military Wildlife Project - 2013
Deer License for Injured Military Wildlife Project (Wounded Warrior)
- Change from "Wounded Warrior Project" to "Injured Military Wildlife Project of ND"
- Maintained 4 any deer licenses
- Added 6 any white-tailed deer licenses
- Change license valid from "opening of youth deer season through the close of deer season" to "during the period of the deer bow season"
- Fiscal note: $240. Not general fund dollars.
Status Updates:
- Passed
- Appreciation: Hunting and Fishing
- Appreciation of Veterans and Military
- Law/Policy Change