
Federal Times
Jun. 2, 2014 - 12:24PM

The Veterans Affairs Department secretary would be able to fire senior executives and the agency would receive new hiring authorities and emergency funding under legislation announced June 1.


April 24, 2014 6:00 am  •  By Brian Gehring

Last week I had an interesting conversation with a fellow from Maryland, a Vietnam vet named Ed Nicholson.

He called me to talk about fishing — more specifically, fly fishing.

Nicholson told me that about a dozen years ago, while he was in Walter Reed Medical Center undergoing treatment for cancer, he got to know quite a few injured military members and disabled veterans.


Prairie Public Television is airing a three-part television series in May that addresses the concerns of many Veterans.  


Categories: Financial


14,100. Sounds like a random number, doesn’t it? But to us, 14,100 represents the number of servicemembers, veterans and their family members whose stories have come to us through their consumer complaints.


Categories: VA Health

By Terri Moon Cronk | American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Feb. 6, 2014

The Defense Department has made troops' health records electronically available to the Veterans Affairs Department to speed up the adjudication of disability claims, a DOD health information technology official said.


Categories: Mental Health

Soldiers Share Experiences
January 12, 2014 6:00 am  •  By Brian Gehring

Stephen Herda didn’t think anything had changed, much less himself.

Even after he was wounded in a rocket attack in Iraq in 2007, Herda said, he considered himself to be the same man when he returned home to Mandan.

Others noticed a change.

“I’m pretty much an open book, if you want to read it,” Herda said.


The flags along the Liberty Memorial Bridge in Bismarck only go up on certain days.
We'll show you a group making sure they are up and flying at half-staff.
Averi Haugesag reports.


Categories: Appreciation

NEW YORK — The first stair-climb race at One World Trade Center - the nation's tallest building - will raise money for military veterans struggling with combat-linked disabilities, two foundations formed after the 9/11 attacks announced Monday.


By Heath Druzin
Stars and Stripes
Published: January 22, 2015

The effort to clear a massive backlog of veteran disability claims is hurting efforts to address a similar backlog in appeals of denied claims, say advocates demanding reforms to an onerous “hamster wheel” system that leaves veterans languishing for years.


Some employees have lost faith in inspector general to root out problems at troubled Atlanta office.

By Brad Schrade- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
5:38 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10, 2014

Federal investigators with the VA inspector general’s office appear to be in the final stages of an inquiry into alleged mismanagement and mishandling of hundreds of thousands of health applications at the Veterans Affairs national enrollment office in Atlanta.