Intent of legislative bill:

  1. Current Active-Duty Service members eligible (5 points)
    1. Would bring in line with Federal Veterans Preference under Federal Law under Chapter 21 of title 5 United States Code Sub Section: 2108a. (changed in 2011 under the VOW act (Veterans Opportunity to Work) (Hire Heroes Act) Public Law 112-56.
      1. Amend DD214 requirement to allow a certification that the individual is expected to be discharged or released from active duty in the uniformed services under other than “dishonorable” conditions not later than 120 days after the date of the submission of the certification.
  2. National Guard/Reserve eligible (5 points)
    1. All current or prior members in good standing
  3. NDCC 37-19.1
    1. No Fiscal note expected


Relating to the definition of a veteran and required documentation when claiming veterans' preference for employment.


  • Removed "North Dakota" from National Guard


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House Government and Veterans Affairs Senate Workforce Development - Fort Lincoln Room
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Proposed by NDVLC for possible bill sponsor PASSED SENATE 47-0 SIGNED BY GOVERNOR