Relating to the pay and benefits received by national guard members; to amend and reenact subsection 9 of section 37‑17.1‑05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to response to disasters or emergencies; and to repeal sections 37‑04‑08, 37‑04‑09, 37‑04‑11, 37‑04‑12, 37‑04‑13, and 37‑07‑05 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to expenses and pay of officer and enlisted members of the national guard.

the daily pay rate for each of the grades listed must be increased as follows:

a. E-3 - fifty-five percent.

b. E-4 - forty-five percent.

c. E-5 - thirty-five percent.

d. E-6 - twenty-five percent.

e. E-7 - fifteen percent.

f. E-8 - ten percent.


  • Added Emergency Clause
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House Government and Veterans Affairs Senate Agriculture and Veterans Affairs - Fort Union Room
Asset Type
House Government Affairs
Proposed by NDNG and supported by NDVLC SIGNED BY GOVERNOR